Gaurd Tour System

Security guard patrols are very important and necessary. In fields where security patrols are an important part of the operations such as mining, industrial manufacturing, telecommunications, and security services for residential housing. The personnel assigned to this must task complete their duties on time and at the correct locations. Traditional Patrol Management Traditional patrol management methods rely on the self-monitoring of patrol personnel, meaning that it often becomes very difficult to verify job performance precisely, making it possible for management to only perform approximate work-quality evaluations Commercial, durable products with high quality and advanced technology Easy operatingc. Low battery consumption, long life span.


QEX is simply one solution for all security systems. It values the Quality Experience to the customer when it comes to security.

Contact Us

  • Rudra Villa, Sinhagad Road, Pune 411041
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  • +(91) - 7028675662


  • Pune | Mumbai | Bangalore | Nagpur